March 15, 2019
Passenger, Cargo, and Cleaning Services at the Airport

Spurred by increasing competition, airports and airlines are being challenged to take passenger experience to the next level. The most innovative are honing in on beacon technology to help.

Revolutionary Technology

Beacons are small short-range broadcast devices that use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) wireless technology. They transmit a unique identification signal so when a mobile phone or other device moves within range it can passively track or trigger an action through a mobile app. With so many air travelers today having smart devices, beacons are an ideal way for airports to connect with them — pushing information that helps them have a less stressful and more relaxing journey and capturing metrics about habits and behavior that help airports provide a more interactive and personalized travel experience. Beacons also give airport and airline service providers visibility into operations and performance to help them deliver better and faster passenger service and reduce service costs.

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