Energy Savings Performance Contracting
The GSA provides centralized procurement for the federal government, offering products, services, and facilities that federal agencies use to serve the public. It totals 2.6 million-square-feet of space in Los Angeles.
The GSA needed to upgrade its battery power storage system to take advantage of local utility programs, including Time of Use Billing, Critical Peak Pricing Incentives, and the Demand Response Program.
ABM worked with the GSA to upgrade the battery power storage system and provided upgrades at the Edward R. Roybal Federal Building, the U.S. Social Security Administration Building, the 300 North Los Angeles (NLA) Building, the Glenn M. Anderson Federal Building, and the Ronald Reagan Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse.
Energy and operations savings were achieved through the installation of energy-efficient LED lighting, upgraded HVAC infrastructure and controls, and building envelope improvements.
The primary driver of energy savings was a battery power storage system that allows the GSA to participate in multiple Southern California Edison energy conservation programs while improving energy resilience for the GSA’s critical spaces.
ABM helped the GSA achieve energy and operations savings with upgraded lighting and HVAC infrastructure, and an upgraded battery power storage system.
By charging the batteries in the evening when demands on the utility grid are lower, GSA shifted a large portion of its energy consumption to hours when electricity rates are reduced.
ABM’s Energy Savings Performance Contracting program guaranteed the GSA savings of more than $21 million in energy and operating costs over the next 20 years.
The project makes the GSA eligible for the California Public Utilities Commission’s Self-Generation Incentive Program. Other benefits include:
- Installed a battery power storage system to allow for participation in the Demand Response Program, without sacrificing power usage during peak power periods
- Retrofitted lighting and upgraded lighting controls at two facilities
- Upgraded HVAC systems and installed monitoring-based commissioning systems
- Deep energy retrofit with savings that exceeded 50 percent of the original energy baseline
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) turned to ABM for help to replace aging building systems and regulate energy use. During the first phase of the project, ABM implemented an Energy Savings Performance Contracting program that retrofitted the GSA’s central plant HVAC system and upgraded lighting and building automation systems. In the final phase of the project, ABM installed a battery power storage system, which allowed participation in incentive programs and lowered the demand on the local energy grid.
U.S. General Services Administration - Phase 2B Energy Savings Performance Contracting
ABM provides robust energy solutions by leveraging local electrical, mechanical, and lighting offices to self-perform installation and maintenance. The result is the capability to drive deeper energy retrofits with enhanced cost efficiency and higher levels of accountability.